Best price SM400A carbon steel plate sheet for sale
GB / T1591 Q345D steel is a commonly used low alloy plate in China. It is equivalent to grade S355J2 in Germany and ASTM A529MGr50 in the United States, with slightly different chemical composition and the same mechanical properties. Under normal delivery conditions, SM400A carbon steel plate sheet, Q345D steel equivalent to S355J2G3 in European standard, and even almost the same performance as the S355J2G4. They can be used interchangeably.
One person familiar with the situation said Germany's ailing ThyssenKrupp Group was in talks with its international counterparts to merge its loss making SM400A carbon steel plate sheet steel business. The talks will be announced Monday as part of a strategic reform that could include closing or selling assets. Previously, ThyssenKrupp steel Europe, Germany's largest steelmaker, announced a loss in the first half of the group three point seven two 100 million euros four point zero two Billion US dollars). ThyssenKrupp has continued to advocate the benefits of SM400A carbon steel plate sheet steel integration since it abandoned its joint venture with Tata Steel a year ago to sell its precious elevator division.
The company adopts the SM400A carbon steel plate sheet international advanced management system, and has passed the certification of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system and GB / T28001-2001 occupational health and safety SM400A carbon steel plate sheet management system, and has realized the comprehensive integration of the three systems.
BBN steel SM400A carbon steel plate sheet 15mm to 35mm thick size: 15*2120*5620, 17.5*2320*13000, 18*2450*5500, 20*3000*5000, 19*2580*4700, 19.5*1970*4000, 20*1600*7740, 20.5*2370*7000, 21*2650*7500, 21*1920*8220, 22*1380*7650, 22*1800*8000, 22.5*1680*8450, 23*3000*11980, 23.5*2080*8100, 24*1560*6200, 25.5*2330*8300, 26*3010*8100, 26.5*2000*7000, 27*2550*6800, 27.5*2700*5500, 29*2550*9000, 29*2870*12000, 32*3300*6000, 33*2340*6700, 34*2120*6100, 35*1300*4100.
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