
JIS SM490B plates price went up and down

BBNsteel is a well known JIS SM490B plates products stockist in China. Our S335N plate is weldable fine grain steel which comes under EN 10025-3 standard. S335N steel plates are with specified minimum strength at temperature of 275 mpa, and with a specific minimum value of impact energy. These fine grain steel is available in different shapes like plates, flats, bars and sections.

Online sale hot rolled plate 3000 tons JIS SM490B plates in Tianjin city50*2180*10000, 50*2500*12000, 50*2460*9250, 50*2440*9450, 50*2200*12003, 50*2200*12000, 50*2200*12004, 50*2430*7600, 50*2440*4200, 70*1620*7400, 50*2440*14200, 60*2500*7700, 50*2380*11400, 60*2500*10100, 66*2920*11000, 75*2000*8750, 50*2430*7700, 50*2200*11850, 70*1600*6000, 89*2600*6650, 50*2300*11600, 70*2920*8400, 100*2220*3050, 105*2560*7040.

According to the data released by the Japan iron and Steel Union (JISF), the export volume of Japanese steel in the second quarter of 2020 JIS SM490B plates is about 4.959 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 14.2%; the export volume in the first half of 2020 is about 11.07 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 1.8%. It has been revealed that the year-on-year increase in export volume does not mean that Japan's export JIS SM490B plates situation of Pugang is better in the first half of the year, but only because the base number of the same period last year is too low.

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